Overflowing with life-changing insights, Metaphysical Millionaires
shows you how to increase your ability manifest.
Hi. I’m R.J.
I'm the author of Metaphysical Millionaires, a Guide to Enlightened Manifestation. My work focuses on helping you create more of what you really want in your life. This book simplifies a broad-spectrum of wisdom drawn from metaphysics, neuroscience, quantum physics, and observation of the wealth creation process for more than four decades.
Metaphysical Millionaires promises to show you how to manifest like Steve Jobs, Oprah and the Founders of AirBnB. I show you the key steps many well-known cultural icons took to align with universal principles and discover purpose and prosperity.
Having successfully used these principles myself, I know from personal experience that the good you want in your life is attainable, and I have worked hard to create a no-nonsense guide to help you make it reality. Click here to learn more about me and my history.
Metaphysical Millionaires clarifies the most powerful principles governing co-creative power. Once understood, these principles automatically generate success and happiness simultaneously. These principles also help you avoid the most common mistakes on the path. To learn more about what's in the book, click here.
Download the first chapter of Metaphysical Millionaires free. If it speaks to you, buy the book, e-book, or audiobook and start co-creating with greater ease.—R.J.